It must be hard to feel your heart sink into your boots whenever you open your inbox and see a new email from the Google or Apple app store.
This is the third reminder that your app will be removed from the app store if it does not comply with the new app store policies by the end of the month. That’s already in three days!
It must be daunting to scroll past a ton of red warning messages in the app store when trying to download the latest earnings report for your investors. You don’t understand a single word, but it sounds serious and urgent.
It must be frustrating that your freelance app developer hasn’t responded to your messages. You wonder if they’ve started working on the issue yet. What takes so long? Why do they not respond?
Last time, you almost missed the deadline. Even if the freelancer manages to address the issue today … the app store reviewers are infamous for delaying things by several days, sometimes even weeks!
If your app is taken down for good, how will you cover the running costs? Will your investors pull out?
You ask yourself if you can resubmit the app at a later point in time. Will the users come back after their subscriptions are automatically canceled?
It must be difficult to stay focused on your actual responsibilities while facing so much uncertainty.
If the situation above feels familiar to you, that’s because you are not alone! It’s, in fact, a very common experience when outsourcing software development, and I will shed some light on the underlying root causes in my upcoming newsletter.
Meanwhile, send me a message and tell me a bit about your experience.
See you around,
P.S. Are you unhappy with your current developer’s responsiveness or worried about the state of your application? Get in touch, and let’s find out how I can help.